Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Daniel & God's Sovereignty (Part 1)

There is a raging debate out there today regarding the degree of God's control in this world (especially in relation to humanity's free choice). If God is COMPLETELY in control of our world and out there pulling ALL of the strings to accomplish His purposes then doesn't this take away humanity's ability to choose freely? And if God is controlling EVERYTHING and pulling ALL the strings then how can humans be held responsible for their decisions that they had no choice but to make? And how can humans TRULY love God if they are BEING FORCED to love Him? In light of these questions and also to preserve the integrity of humanity's free choice, many people have concluded that God's control of the world is NOT complete. But this is NOT the picture that the book of Daniel paints! The book of Daniel presents a message of hope to God's people in exile (and to us): God is still in COMPLETE control even when things seem COMPLETELY out of control!

It doesn't take long to see that the book of Daniel sets out to paint a portrait of a God who is in COMPLETE control:
1.) God gives King Nebuchadnezzar a dream that ONLY Daniel can interpret.
2.) The King's dreams show that God (and NOT the King) is in control over the course of history.
3.) God miraculously protects Daniel and his friends from the brutal means of death sanctioned by the King.
4.) God reveals to Daniel through dreams that He is in complete control of history.
It seems obvious that the author is recounting past stories (that appear to be more than mere coincidences) to show God's COMPLETE sovereignty (that is, His control and rulership) over history. But what is not so obvious is the fact that chapters 1-7 are written in Aramaic (the language of the Babylonians) and chapters 8-12 are written in Hebrew (the language of God's people). But why? Well, might it be that the author was sending a message of warning to the kings of the nations in chapters 1-7 and a message of hope to God's people in chapters 8-12? If so then God wants ALL people to know that He is large and in charge! This appears to be the primary message of Daniel.

This message comes through loud and clear in Daniel 9:20-27 when God decrees 70 weeks (or sevens) "for the people and the holy city to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy." The passage then goes on to say that these 70 weeks will come to fulfillment in three phases. Here they are (according to my reading of the text):
PHASE 1 [seven sevens or 49 units of time]: From the issuing of "the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem" there will be seven weeks until the city is rebuilt with "streets and a trench" [this will be accomplished in times of trouble]. (Daniel 9:25) 
PHASE 2 [sixty-two sevens or 434 units of time]: From (heb: min) the issuing of "the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem" until (heb: ad) the coming of the Anointed One there will be seven sevens and sixty-two sevens [483 units of time]. (Daniel 9:25)
PHASE 3 [the final seven or 7 units of time]: After [heb: ahar] the sixty-two weeks, "the Anointed One will be cut off and will have nothing [or no one]," and Jerusalem and the Temple will be destroyed.  (Daniel 9:26-27)
And so the main events of the various PHASES are the rebuilding of Jerusalem which would include the Temple (PHASE 1), the coming of the Anointed One (PHASE 2), the death of the Anointed One and the destruction of the TEMPLE (PHASE 3). It is by the end of PHASE 3 that transgression and sin are "finished" for the people and the holy city, atonement is made for wickedness, everlasting righteousness is ushered in, vision and prophecy are sealed, and the most holy is anointed.

But in all fairness, many believe that PHASE 3 ends with the destruction (NOT of the Temple but rather) of an antichrist figure (the "prince" of the people) which ultimately leads into the restoration of all things (that is, the End Times). And a good case can be made for this interpretation. And so it is best to hold our End Times positions with caution and humility!

But why the disagreement? The difference of opinion centers on Daniel 9:27 which says, "HE will confirm a covenant with many...HE will put an end to sacrifice and offering." And so, is the 'HE' referring to the "anointed one" of verse 25 or the "prince" of the people in verse 26? This determination will weigh heavily in your understanding of PHASE 3.

The above interpretation assumes that the 'HE' is referring to the anointed one (Jesus) who "confirms His COVENANT" with His people ("the MANY") by dying ('being cut off') and thereby bringing an end to sacrifice and offering. Many believe that Jesus had Daniel 9 in mind when he said in Matthew 26:28, "This is my blood of the COVENANT which is poured out for MANY for the forgiveness of sins." Based on this view, Jesus' death occurs three and half units of time into the final week (seven) of Daniel's prophecy (see vs. 27). This is why many find it significant that Jesus' death occurred three and a half years into His formal ministry! But this assumes that the numbers (49, 434, and 7) in Daniel 9 are to be understood literally. So how should we understand the numbers in Daniel? We'll have to wait until the next blog to dive into this question!

But this is not the only issue! The end of Daniel 9:27 also poses a translation issue. In the ESV this verse reads, "And on the wing of abominations shall come one who makes desolate, until the decreed end is poured out on the DESOLATOR." The ESV translation makes it appear that the DESOLATOR is referring to a person (the 'prince' of the people). However, the Hebrew word could also be translated DESOLATED. If so, then DESOLATED would be referring back to the city and sanctuary which were DESOLATED and whose END is described in verse 26.

My interpretation above assumes that DESOLATED is the best translation and that the passage is talking about the DECREED END of the Temple and not the DECREED END of an antichrist figure. This is based on the parallel structure of verses 26 & 27 (hinted at by the repetition of the word 'Desolation'). The beginning of verse 26 talks about the death of the anointed one as does the beginning of verse 27. Likewise, the end of verse 26 talks about the destruction of the city and sanctuary as does the end of verse 27. And so I believe the two verses parallel each other because verse 27 appears to be repeating (for the sake of emphasis) what has already been stated in verse 26. But check it out for yourself and form your own conclusion.

But no matter how we interpret the seventy weeks in Daniel, one overarching, undeniable truth is made clear: God is in COMPLETE control of His universe. We must not deny this important reality even though the Bible doesn't provide us with ALL of the inner workings of God's sovereignty in relation to humanity's free choice. The purpose of the Bible isn't to answer ALL of our questions about God and His universe. Rather, the Bible sets out (at least in part) to retell countless stories that convey God's supreme rule over His creation so that we can be strengthened in our resolve to trust in Him (and Him alone)! And so may God plant in you a deep faith that prompts you to look to Him in ALL things and in ALL that life throws at you. And may you always remember, God is in COMPLETE CONTROL!

1 comment:

  1. Someone asked me today, "If the 'HE' in Daniel 9:27 is referring to the Anointed One (or Jesus) who confirms a covenant with many and puts an end to sacrifice then according to the NIV translation, the Anointed One also sets up an abomination in the Temple and causes desolation. Jesus would never set up an abomination in the Temple BUT an antichrist figure would. Doesn't this indicate that the 'HE' is referring to the antichrist figure (the 'prince') and not the Anointed One?"

    This is a great question that surfaces because of a translation issue. The phrase "HE will set up" is not in the Hebrew text. It is added by the NIV to make an awkward Hebrew sentence more readable.

    Daniel 9:27 more literally reads (based on my translation), "And HE shall make a strong covenant with many for one week and (after) half a week HE shall put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing abominations (from) the one who makes desolate until the decreed (thing) is poured out on the desolated (or desolator)."

    As you can see from the more literal translation, there are only two HE's in the passage (whose antecedents need to be determined). And so, this leaves us with two possible interpretations: 1.) The decrees will be poured out on the DESOLATOR (the 'prince' of the people) or 2.) The decrees will be poured out on the DESOLATED (the Temple).

    I hope that you can see how important the little details in a text are to interpreting the Bible. This is why studying a passage using a more literal translation and using a good study Bible (or commentary) is recommended.
