Simply put, your IDENTITY is determined by with what or with whom people identify or associate you. Some people are identified by a band they like or a brand of clothing or an economic class. Others are identified by a personality quality - funny, friendly, encouraging, lazy, back-stabber, bragger, complainer, mean, etc. Still others are identified by a group of people - prep, goth, jock, emo, cheerleader, artsy, druggy, etc. You see, our identity depends on what and with whom we associate ourselves.
So then, what does a person need to do if they want God to become their IDENTITY? Listen to certain music? Attend church? Do daily spiritual rituals? Wear Christian t-shirts? Avoid bad people? This was precisely the question the Israelites were asking in the book of Exodus after they were freed from slavery and expected TO BE God's people. And God does not leave their question unanswered.
In Exodus 19:5-6 God tells His people:
“Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all the nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.”This is God's IDENTITY for His people: a treasured possession, a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation.
'Treasured possession' [Hb: segullah] is God's term of endearment for His people to remind them of where they came from and to where God has brought them. When referring to things, the term references the valued riches of a king (1 Chron. 29:3). But when referring to people, the term refers to a servant who is deeply valued [as reflected in many Ancient Near Eastern texts]. And so this term would be a constant reminder to God's people that they were once an oppressed servant of the King of Egypt but now are a valued servant of the King of the Universe.
But how was this term supposed to shape their identity? Well, think about it this way. This term reminded God's people that they were to view themselves as a rescued people. So what is the mindset of a rescued person? People who are rescued are thankful, compassionate and empathetic. People who are rescued have a PAY-IT-FORWARD mindset. They want to bless others because they were blessed!
This expectation is reflected in the laws that God gives His people. For instance, the Ten Commandments begin with, "I am the Lord your God who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery" (Exodus 20:2). Many other verses reflect this same expectation (Exodus 22:21; 23:9; 23:15). God wants us to live like people who have been rescued...with compassion, thankfulness, and empathy.
God also wants us to live as a kingdom of priests. What does this mean? It's simple. We are TO BE a community with a priestly function. But what is the role of a priest? Well, believe it or not, the very garments that priests wore in the Old Testament explain their role. The priestly garment contained 12 onyx stones that symbolized the tribes of Israel (Exodus 28:9). These stones were to serve as a memorial or remembrance of the people before the Lord (Exodus 28:12). This tells us that one of the roles of the priest was to bring the people to God.
That's not all! Take a look...
“These are the garments they are to make [for the high priest]: a breastpiece, an ephod, a robe, a woven tunic, a turban and sash...Make the ephod of gold, and of blue, purple and scarlet yarn, and of finely twisted linen—the work of a skilled craftsman.” Exodus 28:4, 6Compare this passage to the materials used for the curtain that separated the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place where God's presence dwells.
“Make a curtain of blue, purple and scarlet yarn, and finely twisted linen, with cherubim worked into it by a skilled craftsman.” Exodus 26:31What does this tell us about our identity as a kingdom of priests? Not only do priests bring people to God, priests also represent God to the people and by doing so bring God to others. Put all this together and it becomes apparent that the role of the priest was to serve as a BRIDGE between people and God.
But how do we know whether or not we are accurately representing God to people as His priests? Well, God wants us to be a holy nation. This simply means that we are to be a distinct community. Many people throughout history have put their own spin on what is supposed to define a holy community. But God does not leave this up to us. NO. He provides us with His distinct law that defines His holy character and provides principles to be used to define His people. God wants us to find our identity in HIS law (not our own)!
This might scare some people because they have a disdain for the Old Testament laws. But rest assured God was not playing a practical joke on humanity when he made His laws. NO. They flow out of His character and the way He desires the world to function. And so, the Ten Words (Commandments) in Exodus 20 provide overarching principles that serve as the basis for all the other laws. But even these ten laws can be whittled down to what Jesus claimed were the two greatest laws..."Love God and Love others" (Matthew 22:34-40). These two laws serve as the basis for God's holiness, for defining God's people, and for defining how God wants His world to function.
Here's how. Maintaining one's distance in relation to other worldviews and religions flows out of the law to love God. God desires His people to depend on Him and live for Him alone. In this way, we are to take a DEFENSIVE posture in relation to the world. However, God also wants us to take an OFFENSIVE posture. We do this by loving others extravagantly. By doing this, God wants His people to overcome evil with good in the world to help restore His original creation design.
We need to keep tabs on where our identity lies (because in our world it's easy to wander with the current fads). We can do this by everyday asking ourselves: With what or whom do people identify me? If they wouldn't identify you with God then you need to take a look at your character (Am I reflecting God's LOVE?), your mission (Am I taking the initiative to be a BRIDGE between God and my friends?), and your mentality (Am I living like a rescued person?). That's how God wants you to find your identify. PERIOD.
Do you view yourself as a rescued person? Would people describe you as thankful, compassionate, and empathetic?
What practical things do you need to do to be a bridge between your friends and God?
Does your life reflect both a healthy offense and defense? Are you loving others extravagantly or more concerned about your rights?